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Fastest CPUs For Trading Computers – 2022

The art and science behind optimizing your trading computer’s CPU performance. Join us for a data-driven overview of the fastest CPUs for modern trading computers and trading platforms.

Preparing For Windows 11

This post is going to be a brief instructional guide on how to enable Intel PTT, AMD fTPM, and Secure Boot to increase Windows 11 hardware compatibility. This post will be updated frequently in the coming months.

The Best CPU for Reaper – DAWBench Audio Stream Test (Summer 2021)

The latest addition to our DAWBench series of benchmarking popular DAWs; This post summarizes how Intel and AMD CPUs fared in Reaper using DAWBench. We detail the number of VST plugin instances that various CPUs could tolerate with a heavy DSP load and provide additional info on ASIO systems and PC music processing.

Audio Troubleshooting – No Sound from Speakers/Headphones

This post is going to be a brief instructional guide on how to remove all Windows 10 Upgrade notifications from your Windows 7 or 8 PC. We’ll also free up some space Microsoft allocated for the Windows 10 update. For those who don’t plan on updating to Windows 10 soon, the notice serves as nothing but a nuisance. Fortunately, it’s quick and simple to remove.