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How To Prevent Windows 10 Upgrade


This post is going to be a brief instructional guide on how to remove all Windows 10 Upgrade notifications from your Windows 7 or 8 PC. We’ll also free up some space Microsoft allocated for the Windows 10 update. For those who don’t plan on updating to Windows 10 soon, the notice serves as nothing but a nuisance. Fortunately, it’s quick and simple to remove.

How to Remove

To prevent Windows 7/8/8.1 from automatically updating to Windows 10 we are going to use a free third-party utility called ‘GWX Control Panel’, developed by Ultimate Outsider. This free and easy to use utility will remove all Windows 10 nagware, prevent it from automatically being reinstalled, and will likely free up some hard drive space on your PC. Orbital Computers takes no responsibility for any unexpected behavior of using this third-party utility.

  1. Click this link to go to the GWX Control Panel download page and click the top link titled ‘GWX Control Panel’. It will download the program automatically.
  2. Run the downloaded file. You will see the GWX Control Panel utility open up with a message about your Windows 10 upgrade status. Note that your upgrade status may be different from what is shown in this image.
  1. Simply click the following buttons to prevent the upgrade and to remove remnants of Microsoft’s nagware:
    Click to prevent Get Windows 10 App
    Click to delete Windows 10 Download Folders
    Click to disable non-critical Windows 10 settings
    Click to prevent Windows 10 upgrades
    Click to delete Windows 10 programs
    Click to clear Windows Update Cache
  1. When you’re done clicking those buttons, the control panel should look like this:

(Optional) The last step is not required but is recommended – Click ‘Change Windows Update Settings’ and set it to ‘Download updates but let me choose whether to install them…’ and un-check ‘Give me recommended updates…’

  1. That’s it for disabling the auto-upgrade process! Your Windows 7 installation is finally free of Microsoft’s Windows 10 nagware. If you have any questions with this process, please email us.